Phoenix Probation Violation Lawyer

Defending Clients Against Accusations of Violating the Terms of Their Release

If you have been accused of violating the terms of your probation, you could be facing serious consequences. The court may even revoke your probation, forcing you to be sentenced to prison. It is vital to contact an experienced defense lawyer as soon as possible.

I am Zach Murphy, a Phoenix probation violation attorney serving clients throughout the region. As a solo practitioner who has been practicing criminal law in Arizona since 2002, I am a personal advocate for my clients, using my knowledge of the system to protect their rights.

Telling Your Side of the Story to Your Probation Officer and the Court

Probation is the suspension of a prison sentence — an alternative to incarceration for someone who has been convicted of a crime and could have been sent to prison. There are a number of circumstances that can cause your probation to be revoked, including:

  • Being arrested on suspicion of another crime
  • Failing a court-mandated drug test
  • Failing to attend court-mandated treatment programs
  • Leaving the county without your probation officer’s permission

Probation revocation is not mandatory. Both your probation officer and the court are required to consider the seriousness of the alleged violation, your likelihood of committing additional violations and many other factors when considering whether to revoke your probation.

That is why it is critical to have an advocate on your side who will take the time to understand your personal situation and then communicate your side of the story to the authorities.

Arizona Probation Revocation Defense Attorney · 602-788-2188

If your probation officer has issued a warrant for your arrest or a family member has been arrested on a probation violation, I can take immediate action to pursue a favorable outcome. For a free consultation, please contact my Scottsdale office at 602-788-2188 or by e-mail.